Friday, June 22, 2007

about tenpin bowlling

i was tired about ten pin bowling yesterday.

i don't like that.

becouse it just throw the ball on the line.

i don't understand people who like.

conversely somepepole don't understand pepole who like soccer.

it's like our teacher.

she loves football but she hate soccer.

she says about football that it's crazy and strong or dangerous.

my home stay mother sad so,too.

i like soccer more than football.

but i like football more than ten pin bowling.

by the way i have never been zeaous in playing ten pin bowling.

i'll think and play next time that i can zeaous in playing it how.


kylie said...

Hello, How are you? I am feeling better and I hope that I will come back soon as my parents house is a little bit boring

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